Imperialism In China

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As the second largest world economic power, China has been a rather “competitive” opposition in the garnering of resources and investment of foreign industries, whether it resides within its own borders or on foreign soil – culturally, politically, and economically. In the age of modern globalization of the 21st century after being shaped of 19th century imperialism by the dominant world powers at the time, the migration and integration are one of many processes that make its mark on businesses, economics, resources and the environment at large. But should European countries and the United States be concerned about China’s interest in the African continent? Should we, the West, not try to seek an understanding of Chinese companies influencing …show more content…

In the nation of Lesotho (located above South Africa), many locals recognize what the United States does, but also want to embrace Chinese investment as well despite some grumbling about the idea of China taking away jobs and undercutting Lesothoan businesses. The United States, though not having the long-term planning initiative, invested in providing antiretroviral treatment for HIV, which supposedly affected 23% of Lesothoans (Harding, Andrew. BBC. “How the US and China compete for influence in Africa”. Africa. 24 July 2015). In Angola, Chinese workers live in separate conditions than the locals, thereby exaggerating the difficulties between workers, linguistically and culturally. But for China, it is merely business as usual and will not give into consideration the political governance and economic conditions, and so forth. So they, the Chinese, feel the need to invest where the need is great. Success in this means high employment and a higher quality of life for Chinese citizens and an increase in social stability and political security for the elites of China’s leadership. And it is also why Africa basically becomes a “cultural magnet” for China’s investment as well as for many potential clients in Asia; at best, with the growing appeal of developing countries, there have been some anti-Chinese sentiments that arise in African nations such as Zambia that six years ago caused President Hu Jintao to disregard his previous plan to visit the Copperbelt’s industrial base, where the Zambian area is a rich in mining facility for minerals and farming around the surrounding areas of the rural southern province. The working conditions,