Count Dracula, a fictional character in the Dracula novel written by Bram Stoker was inspired by one of the best-known figures of Romanian history, Vlad Dracula, nicknamed Vlad Tepes (Vlad the Impaler), who was the ruler of Walachia at various times from 1456-1462. Born in 1431 in Sighisoara, he resided all his adult life in Walachia. "The Impaler” suggests, that his practice in impaling his enemies was part of his historical reputation, using this notorious act it conjures up the emotion that runs deep within ourselves which is fear. Alongside this, it specifically also arises in the result of the unknown. Fear being an emotion generally associated with anxiety – the powerful feeling that is brought upon by worry, dread and tension. Dreading …show more content…
Though, Van Helsing has a limited role as the narrator; his perspectives are mostly filtered through the other characters’ narratives, however to do this he takes over two of the characters’ narratives, thus creating a parallel between the Count’s invasion of England and the way in Van Helsing invades the
Narrative mediums of the British characters. Although both of these mediums can be seen as symbols of the modern world, like Dracula, Van Helsing can be seen to represent the primitive world running through modernity; referring himself to as ‘old fashioned’ (Stoker,2011) rejecting elements of modernity in favor of more, older and religious methods to defeat vampires. This can resonate with Harker’s remark that ‘old centuries had, and have powers of their own which mere “modernity” cannot kill’ (Stoker, 2011). Nethetheless with the inter-imperial competition coupled with the desires for international cooperation at the end of the century, with this bearing in the mind, it is the combination of Van Helsing’s primitive methods with the elements of modernity, such as the trains and telegrams, which finally come to overpower Dracula. Ultimately its suggesting that a more harmonious blend of European power is potentially more productive than antagonistic