Imperialism In Joseph Conrad's Heart Of Darkness

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Heart of Darkness investigates the concerns regarding imperialism in using a complex method. Heart of Darkness, by Joseph Conrad, The Hollow Men, by T.S. Eliot, and The White Man’s Burden, by Rudyard Kipling all hold a similar message. Both Conrad and Eliot express to the audience that the theory of imperialism is pure, however the reality is immoral. While Conrad’s story provides a powerful disapproval of the deceitful functions of imperialism, it also presents a set of concerns surrounding ethnicity that is ultimately disturbing. Conrad believes that the naive and pure idea in which colonialism originates from is its only moral attribute of imperialism. T.S. Eliot makes a connection to Conrad’s story in order to reveal the difference in the “idea” and “reality” imperialism. Ultimately what all three writers wanted to stress to the audience is that though the Theory of imperialism may seem pure, its reality will only bring tragedy and corruption.
Insanity plays significant role in Conrad’s Heart of darkness. It is directly connected to imperialism. Africa is accountable for mental and physical illness. Insanity has two essential functions. In order to further engage the audience’s sympathies, insanity serves as an ironic device. Eventually we can see that Kurtz is a bit insane. Later in the story, both Marlow and the audience begin to show sympathy for Kurtz and have suspicions about the Company. In addition insanity functions to establish the need of social fictions. The