How Does The United States Cause War And Disrespect The Modern World

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Imperialism is not needed in our modern world. United states should not dictate their values. We don’t take care of children seriously. We do things with military force. We don’t respect other and we keep creating enemies. About 400 military bases are used in anything in the world today. According to Sam Amer, “It is willing to use, and has used, its military, to subdue other nations to its desires”. United States is using military force to start a battle and causing other nations to disrespect the United States. United States causes war and doesn’t know how to stop. Like how Mcneill stated in “A Poor Man’s Burden, Your savage war increase” (56). This shows United States is causing more wars than before and more problems to countries just to get what they want. …show more content…

Jonathan Cohn stated in his article “we lack anything resembling an actual child care system”. This shows that few daycares never really take their job seriously when they are supposed to be responsible for parent’s children when they leave them in daycare for a day. Bad parenting also happen. “Authorities say a Louisiana couple left their 1-year-old daughter alone on a beach while they went on a lengthy naked jog” (“Naked jogging couple accused of leaving baby alone on beach”). This article explains the daughter parent’s wasn’t worried about the daughter sake of being kidnapped or murdered by someone and taken off like she never belongs to them. In general, there are some parents who are not accountable and capable of keeping what is value to

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