Essay On Unproductive Day

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Time is described in different ways such as second, minute, hour, day, week, month, quarter, half of a year and a year. The beginning and end of your life are controlled by time; which is the reason why you should make use of your time by having a well-planned agenda throughout your life journey. 2.1.1. A Day Without Agenda Is A Loss Given that the 24 hours of a day are enough to test your abilities, therefore any unproductive day is a loss. Irrespective of how little the productivity is, as the superstore will say: "every penny counts"(MailOnline 20013). A day gives you the opportunity to start a foundation on which every next day will be built upon; whereas an unproductive day is a costly loss at all levels such as individual, family, …show more content…

In this level the subconscious takes over; and as a result you can travel miles away on a ghost project, until you regain conscious then ask, "What am I doing here?" This is a dangerous pathway that can cause fatal incidents such as bankruptcy or suicidal. In this phase, sleepwalking ends every improvised idea to unfinished business. There is no way to control your actions, when the body is under the influence of the subconscious; however after the conscious is back, your only option will be to aborts every unplanned project to regain the right direction. 2.1.6. A Full Year Without Agenda Is A Trypanosomiasis A full year without agenda is a Trypanosomiasis, which is a tropical disease and a sleep sickness transmitted by biting insects. Sleeping is no longer according to the patterns of life, but it has become an illness. In this stage you should seek for help and very intensive treatments to get you out of this chronic, because important life events and connections will be as unreal as fairy tale stories. In addition it is unhealthier when you function with this type of sleeping disorder, as it makes you look inadequate and uncontrollable in the midst of important people and destiny helpers. You will despise all the advices and warnings of people who want to help you to