Importance Of A Pet

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Pets have been around people for about as long as anyone can remember. Many people have owned at least one pet in their lifetime – and I am no exception. I have owned a total of five dogs in the past couple years, my oldest dog currently 10 years old. I know from experience that, owning a pet can be a joyful and rewarding experience. All too often, baby animals are bought or adopted simply because they seem small, cute and cuddly. Unfortunately, many people are not aware of the responsibility that ensues, and the animals are abandoned later on. Pets can be some of the most loyal and loving companions that come into our life, so it is important to become a responsible pet owner and provide for our companions. Firstly, before the process of choosing a pet begins, one must make sure they are financially, emotionally and physically ready for a pet. It is not a decision that should be taken lightly. One must be ready to commit to a new addition of the family for the next upcoming years. Take family into consideration. Also consider the consequences and current/possible future living conditions. Do not buy pets on an impulse or as a gift. Doing so will usually result in an abandoned pet. No matter the pet, pets require money, patience, and time, even if not exercise like a dog would. Once everything is taken into consideration and commitment is ready to be made, the process of choosing a pet can begin. Now that second step that is choosing a pet can begin,