Importance Of Accountability

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Accountability is defined as the fact or condition of being accountable or responsible. Some similar terms are liability or answerability. It is important in building trust. It requires you to be willing to make commitments and be held responsible for your own actions. This job of being a soldier requires other people's trust in protecting their well-being. Being accountable means that I stay committed to what i pledged to do and recognize how important my job is. Accountability shows leaders how serious soldiers are about their job and effectively performing the duties required. It also allows me to take responsibility or ownership of my own actions. My behavior and actions have an impact on myself as well as my team. It is very important to be on time for work in order for tasks and duties to be completed in a timely manner. An important aspect of accountability is not making excuses. It is important for me to be responsible for my own actions and accept the consequences without making excuses. The only way to become a better soldier or person, is to acknowledge the wrong and correct it. If I’m not held accountable for the things that I do then it could cause others to feel as if they are not required to be held accountable …show more content…

I have to teach my kids accountability and responsibility so that they can grow up to be great citizens and do great things. I set the example for them so I want them to always do what is right and follow the rules. Someone who is accountable is concerned more about what is right rather than what others think. Holding myself accountable for my actions allows me to earn the respect and credibility from those that are on my team. It means honoring standards set in place and constantly improving as a soldier. You never know who is watching and looking up to you so it is important for me that I always conduct myself as if someone is always

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