Importance Of Battle Of Cowpens During The Revolutionary War

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The revolutionary war was a long dreary 7 year war. One of the battles that occurred during this war was the battle of cowpens. How did it impact the war? Well the army used guerilla warfare tactics but how effective was it ? There was a lot of factors that contributed to the american victory. For example the Americans new the geography, They used guerilla warfare, and were allies of the french. The american eventually won the war. Some important battles were the battle of Saratoga, Trenton, Bunker Hill, Saratoga, Cowpens, and last but not least the Battle of Yorktown. The battle of cowpens was a very important part of the war, it affected the revolutionary war greatly. The american militia were told spread out which confused the british army and caused them to walk into a trap, where the americans captured and killed 800 british soldiers. General morgan also picked a good terrain to fight on and by the time the british got there they were tired from walking through all those mountains which affected how they fought. This victory provided a morale boost to the americans. It also impacted the war because americans lost several battles to the southern colonies.The Battle of Cowpens was an important victory for the Americans. Battle of Cowpens damaged British morale. This battle also caused the British to lose control of …show more content…

Guerrilla warfare is performed in small groups by non members of the government military. These people would attack the enemies by using unusual fighting skills. For example the american army would do unexpected ambushes on the british. They would also use trickery and sabotage as advantage. They would also perform hit and runs on the red coats. Lastly they would have cavalry as a form of mobility which was unusual in the 1700s. The whole point of this was to perform small scale attacks which made a big impact on the war. These tactics led to american

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