Biomechanical Approach To Occupational Therapy

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Synopsis 3: Home adaptation and the user’s perspective: Listening to the voice of the client to inform reasoning.
Background to the Biomechanical Approach:
The biomechanical frame of reference is not originally an occupational therapy approach, it therefore has undergone some adaptations to fit with the intention of occupational therapy practice. Over it history of use in occupational therapy it has been termed under several different headings e.g. Baldwin’s reconstruction approach, 1919, Taylor’s orthopaedic approach, 1934, ad Licht’s kinetic approach, 1957 (Turner, Foster, & Johnson, 2002, cited in McMillan, 2012). Although the title and aspects of the model have been altered slightly throughout practice, it key focus has remained the three physical aspects of a person’s functioning – range of motion, strength and endurance (McMillan, 2012). Within occupational therapy its focus is on the deficit in engagement through lack of motion. Decreased motion can lead to poorer occupational performance as specific body structures and their function are inhibited. A strong point within the biomechanical model is its ability to gather information and understand an individual’s specific performance issues, it therefore can lead into a client-centred approach under an …show more content…

The therapist will be working under a biomechanical model mainly, so will focus on achieving better physical modality for the patient. However, in order to liaise they need to have a good understanding of the client and take into account their requests alongside the practicalities of building, using a client-centred approach (Samsion, 2005; Roy, Rousseau, Allard, Feldman, & Majnemer, 2008; Nord, Eakin, Astley & Atkinson,