
Importance Of Charity Essay

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Have you ever wanted to make the world a better place? Charity is the key to living in a better place. “Charity” means generosity in giving some¬thing to the needy out of loving kindness towards them, and that is what we should all be doing. Someone once said 'Charity begins at home. ' A per¬son, who is kind at heart and possesses compassion from his early days towards the weak and the needy in the society, is generally found to help and make gifts to the poor. He finds joy and satisfaction in giving alms to a beggar, or renders some financial relief to the needy persons who are near at hand. Thus charity begins at home. In other words, it begins in the near neighborhoods of a person. One first comes forward to help his neighbors, …show more content…

Luckily, I happen to be this kind of a person. I have always dreamed of a world where hunger, poverty and lack of education do not exist, and I have already started taking a few steps towards my goal. I volunteered in one of the famous charity organizations in Egypt, three years ago, back when I was at high school. It was a very challenging experience, in which I came to know that I am here for a reason. I was born this way in that particular country to feel the struggles of the needy and to give hands to them in every possible way. I also learned that we are all different and that everyone should use his talent and take advantage of his capabilities to leave a good print in our country. This made me think of majoring in one of the careers where it is very hard to come to the aid of the sufferers. I am now a pharmacist to be. I have always loved science and I am sure that I was built to be a pharmacist for many different reasons. Since day one, I have decided that when I graduate, I am going to work as a medical representative in a multinational company to save up and gain

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