Clean Water Essay

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What is clean water?

The clean water is the water that free of microbes and that does not contain a vector of diseases, and must have a certain amount of mineral salts. Some of countries define water directions as:
* That is colorless and odorless
* Free from germs and microbes
* Do not increase the percentage of soluble material a ceratin
* Taste natural

The importance of clean water


Sources of clean water:

Clean water as we know is not polluted water and useful water. Uses include agricultural, industrial, household, recreational and environmental activities. Therefore, we have to know the sources of clean water to protect them from disappearing.

There are two main kinds of water on the earth which are: fresh water and salt water; both of them are clean water that we can use them in our life. There are many different sources of clean water; we can divide them into two sections: - natural sources and man-made sources of water. Natural sources, which are: rainwater, oceans, rivers, lakes, ponds and springs. Dams, wells, tube wells, hand pumps, canals etc. are man made sources.


Rainwater is the main source of clean water sources. It collected on the earth in the form of underground water and surface water.

- Underground water:
Q- what is underground water?
It’s the water that we can find it below the earth’s surface. Most of groundwater arises from rainwater that has entered the earth.

Q- How consisted the underground water?