Importance Of Ecofeminism

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Ecofeminism’, the term coined by the French feminist Francoise d’Eaubonne, was developed as a theory in the 1970s. It is a branch of feminism that examines the connection between woman and nature. Ecofeminism links ecology with feminism. This closeness of woman with Nature is due to her reproductive role which brings her closer to it. Ecofeminists see the domination of a woman as stemming from the same ideologies that bring about the domination of environment. It argues that there is a connection between woman and Nature and it comes from their shared history of oppression by the patriarchal society. It brings together elements of the feminist and green movement, at the same time offering challenges to both. It takes from the green movement the concern about the impact of human activities on the non-human world and from feminism, the view of humanity as gendered in ways that subordinate, exploit and oppress women. Ecofeminism as a theory deals with political and resistance movements and is also concerned with race and class. It believes that Nature and people are inseparable and this closeness has an intrinsic value which needs to be preserved, even if it necessitates the curtailment of human use of Nature. Maria Meis, a socialist and ecofeminist, points out that since women are more involved in daily life than men, they are more engaged with elements of Nature. Vandana Shiva and Maria Meis give instances of the resistance offered by women protesting against