Family Essay About Family

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The family is not only the fundamental unit of society but also the root of culture. A child wins everyone 's heart and gets his unconditional love and acceptance from the family. This provides him a lifelong connection and a link with the rest of humanity. Love begets love. Love is the reward of love. The family is the first setting in which a child learns to deal with siblings, to socialize with others and to live with mutual respect and honor. In a family, the child learns to display affection and controls his desire. Gradually he absorbs the values of the particular culture to which he belongs. A family is also a stepping stone for the perpetual source of encouragement, assurance and emotional support which enables a child to venture …show more content…

Love of man for woman and love of woman for man: that 's one of nature’s best divinations. The fact that love is only a heterosexual relationship that has sex embedded in it does degrade it. Young lovers love each other because they need each other, but after a while as they mature, they need each other because they love each other. A sexual relationship is bereft of true love. Sex provides the emotional bonding so much necessary for relations to last and enables one to put up with small frailties in the loved person. Sex is like the salt in the food but not the food. Too much sex in love is like too much salt in the food, could be a spoiler. Love is essential, sex is optional.

Love is largely a reciprocal. It is a two-way dialogue. Love dies of neglect. One of the great myths about love of our time is that love is self-sustaining. It is not. Love must be fed and nurtured, constantly renewed. Of all the human qualities, a warm heart is one most valuable. Love other and you will be loved. Love is the chemistry where sex is the chemicals. When the chemicals kick in our brain, we feel an emotional high, exhilaration and passion. Mental chemistry works mystery. We feel we are here, together and