
Importance Of Food Hygiene And Sanitation

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Chapter I

Introduction Food safety remains a critical issue with outbreaks of food borne illness resulting to substantial cost to an individual, the food service industry and even the economy (Egan et al, 2006). Mishandling of food plays a significant role in the occurrence of food borne illness; therefore, food employees must conform to the high degree of personal cleanliness and to good hygienic practices during all working periods. In a global economy, contaminated food harms people without regard to national boundaries. There are a number reports of tainted food scandals and have alerted both consumers and national governments to the issues of food safety (Liping and Fee, 2008). The time has come to create …show more content…

For them to be aware of proper compliance to food safety, hygiene and sanitation, as well as, gather vital information to further deploy sound sanitation strategies directed towards their customers.

Restaurant Managers. The study may help the management to endow effective strategies in optimizing food safety practices that will strongly benefit the business. Specifically, managers or the equivalent positions that are responsible in facilitating the establishment can take full advantage of this study in providing proper training prior to food safety for their respective firms.

The Clientele and Customers. The findings of the investigation will make them benefited and will make them to be aware of the importance of food safety, hygiene and sanitation and for them to take precautionary measures to avoid unsafe food that will lead to food borne illness.

Cafeteria Employees. This study will make them aware about proper food handling as mandated by the Sanitation Code of the Philippines and the significant roles they play in providing safe food that will contribute to improved guests’ safety. Likewise, by knowing the standard operating procedures (SOP) in operation, they would improve food service and increase …show more content…

This study will help the educators to be aware of the topics applicable to be taught to students regarding food safety, hygiene and sanitation aforementioned to what is being practiced by the food service workers in the industry. In addition to that, this study could help educators prepare future foodservice managers with such skills, the benchmark measurement scale developed in this study can potentially be used in courses such as quantity food production or fine dining management to evaluate and improve students’ soft skills required for managing food safety in a practice production setting. Students who hold managerial positions in each class event are charge with developing knowledge, attitude and skills in food safety, hygiene and sanitation among their classmate and will receive feedback from instructor based on the result of sanitation survey conducted in class. General Objectives: To study the Hygiene, Safety, and Sanitation level of food services along the University Belt.
Specific Objectives: 1. To determine the level of knowledge of the food service employees with regards to food safety, hygiene and sanitation; 2. To identify attitudes of food service workers towards food

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