Importance Of Human Resource Development In Singapore

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Singapore’s separation from Malaysia in 1965 left us with a constant struggle to survive. The greatest challenge faced by Singapore was the lack of natural resources. The great founding father of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew, once said that “our most valuable asset is in the ability of our people”. Indeed, Singapore has had no choice but to develop its human resources to survive in the globalising world. Shown in Figure 1, Singapore’s most rapid economic development took place after 1990. This paper will focus on analysing and justifying human resource development that led to economic success from 1990 onwards. Colonialism had produced a lop-sided economy heavily dependent on trade. Increasingly, science and technology became the vital ingredients which dictate a country 's level of competitiveness. The overriding priority of the Singapore government in 1965 was to find the most efficient way to develop an industrialized economy through survival driven education. Earlier, primary education was core and little thought was given to technical education. By 1968, Singapore was not producing enough technically skilled workers to meet labour-intensive manufacturing manpower needs. Singapore faced these problems head-on with education and attracting foreign talent. The study focuses on human resource development through education and importation of foreign talent. To address the problem, all male lower secondary pupils had two years of exposure to technical subjects while girls chose