International Human Rights Law Summary

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subject of any reservations whatsoever since these would be inconsistent with the aim and purpose of Protocol I and undermine its basis”.
Chapter 3: International Human Rights Law
International human Rights law is set of law which is International legal Framework to protect rights of humans and to promote human rights on regional, civil and domestic level. Concept of human rights, entitles every human being to have hisher basic human rights without any discrimination on the basis of political or religious affiliation, race, sex, nationality, language or any other characteristic. This domain of law is widely accepted and practiced in almost whole world. States have acknowledged the need and significance of Human Rights from the past examples …show more content…

More than 100 Human rights instruments have been adopted since the adoption of the UNDHR which gave birth to following most significant treaties/ conventions. Rene Cassin, wrote in 1968 on occasion of 20th anniversary of UDHR stated:
“Although Universal declaration didn’t create a movement of which it itself is a product, a movement of protest against the scientific barbarity of Hitler’s regime and of aspirations towards a better destiny for mankind, it gave this movement a sense of direction and a mean of steering itself, which it didn’t have before, towards individual freedoms and social rights. Far from remain a mere annex to the United Nations Charter, it immediately became a common source of inspirations for all the international organizations, even for those already in existence, as the International Labor Organization, and particularly for those set up afterwards. All the states which have since became independent or joined the United Nations Organization have felt themselves bound to subscribe to it. Organization has felt them bound to subscribe to it. Organizations at all levels whether civic or professional, national or reaching across frontiers, together with the most miserable victims of poverty, ignorance, and oppression, have all found in the principles of Article 1 a promise of emancipation and