INTRODUCTION Logo matching and recognition is important for brand advertising and surveillance applications and it discovers either improper or un-authorized use of logos. Some logos may have similar layout with only few details of differences that can be seen on the spatial disposition, the size and shapes and even on the orientations. The graphic designers carefully studied the distinctiveness of logos because their difference is only seen in few details. Every organizations or companies have their own logos which is a legal symbol for the identification of their products. And some other organizations or individual used the duplicate logos that have small variations from the original ones in order to deceive customers. Logos are mainly a …show more content…
The algorithm is called context-dependent similarity method. In this method test images having logos in it are stored in the database and then comparison was done for all those database images with the reference logo image and showed whether those images matched with the reference image. The same method is performed for test video by extracting the video frames and compared all the frames with the reference image and showed whether they are matched or …show more content…
It is one of the fields of signal processing but its focus is generally on processing of images. The main idea on digital image processing is to develop a computer system that will work perfectly fine on the processing of images. In digital image processing digital images undergo processing by first giving the digital image as the input to the system. Then the processing starts by using different types of algorithm based on the requirement of what we want to get as the output. There are some common examples which are used in our day to day life like adobe photoshop which is one of the applications that is most widely