61% of the kids in the U.S have no p.e. This mean they aren’t learning valuable skills and staying healthy. What type of world would we live in without a class without benefits like that? P.e simply must be mandatory in every single school in America. P.e is extremely important because you learn valuable skills. Obviously you play fun sporty,If you happen to have p.e. Playing the game teaches you how the sport works, and the objective. Some games like hockey are very complicated,you have to learn all the penalties, and the correct form to hold the stick so you won’t hurt yourself. P.e will teach you that! Wouldn’t you want to know how to play every sport out there? P.e is the only class in school that will teach you that! Plus,you learn teamwork.In all the games you play, there’s a good chance it’s not a free-for-all. You obviously will be on a team. And there is a stronger chance you will always have different teammates. So not only you will learn teamwork, you will also learn how to work with a variety of people! This will help you in life,for you will work with lots of different people. P.e is your new teacher for important skills. …show more content…
In all the fun games 61% of kids in America are missing out on,it helps you. But you probably don’t know how much it helps you. A new study shows p.e can increase strength, bones, endurance, and reduces stress and anxiety! And it also may be able raise your grades by 10%! Who wouldn’t want P.e. with benefits like those? And you learn to eat healthy.P.e shouldn’t be called “p.e”,like my school. It should be called p.e.w! This stands for physical education wellness. The wellness part comes from the learning to eat healthy. I am not really a fruit and veggie fan, but p.e is helping me to eat healthy, as it would help you to eat healthier. Just think how healthy the kids of America would be with daily