The 21st century never accepts lack of accurate planning. The century within which the countries with management and planning in all aspects of life are the pioneers. [1]
Definitely, the population condition and growth are among those issues drawing always the attention of the decision makers. Unlike the past eras when the number of a population would have signified the territory glory, the country with higher management potential would be considered more powerful and authoritative[2]. Therefore, population control is one of the main factors enables the decision makers of a country[3]. In an accurate planning in population growth, the fertility plays the most major role. Bill Ram believes that the reduced fertility and social developments recently
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On the other hand, the states and health systems cannot interfere fertility directly. Therefore, the experts always take actions for distinguishing the factors affecting the population to control the population by recognizing those factors. Since the fertility is different in socioeconomic categories the role of these factors is incredible in changed behaviors of fertility. The results obtained from a study performed in Iran indicates that the fertility has a direct relationship with the age of the woman, marriageable term, sexual preferences, a desirable number of children and child death and an indirect relationship with the age of marriage and education of couple[11]. The education of wife[12-14], husband[14], and wife's age at first marriage [12-14]are related indirectly with the fertility. While the death of a child is directly related to it[13]. The main determinants of the first childbirth time are the marriage age [15-20], wife's education[15-19,21] and aging [22], wife's employment after marriage[22], accessibility of preventing pregnancy[23]. As mentioned earlier, the fertility is related to economic, social and cultural factors, this factor must, therefore, be recognized. In path analysis, the method is based on a path chart within which the directed half-lines begins at an independent variable and end up at a dependent one. The direct one-way arrows in the chart shows the relationship and causal effect of the first variable on the second and the curved arrows show the covariance between those variables which has no special or analyzable relationship in path analysis. To distinguish the causal relationships, it must be noted that if the correlation relationship between two variables is significant. If not, the relationship path of two variables will be