
Role Of Film In Religion

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Since religion often plays an important role in the film, but does film play an important role in religion? Does the film showcase the truth about the religious belief or it is made just to entertain not to connect what is the reality about the religion? Perhaps the better question is, “Does film play show what religion is in the way that the people understand religious concepts?

Many questions have been raised since before the religious concept in film took place. I think the best reason in watching movies is for us to be entertained while eating popcorn and drinking cola, understanding the movie is quite involved. Films not only reflect life, it can also shape our norms, attitudes, values, and perception of life. The films tend to help us imagine the unimaginable, let us see the unreasonable to be reasonable, and to accept an unacceptable.They can show the truth, truth as they interpret it, or simply ignore truth altogether to show what is entertaining. Don’t expect that if the film is based on the true story it will be a 100% true story because in reality the movie maker adds flavor …show more content…

Anghela by name is the miracle they chose to believe in, she does miracles and such, however the power he uses that they believe is from good but it is actually from evil using the face of good, pure and clean young lady. Even the evil uses their technique on it can trick people, to get their faith is to first imitate and replace what they want to believe without asking why and how it is happen. Their belief is used against them. And in that way their definition of religion is firm and it is blind

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