Importance Of Rule Of Law

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‘The Rule of Law’ came into popularity under the hands of A.V. Dicey in the 19th Century. Aristotle, another renowned philosopher once said more than two thousand years ago, "The rule of law is better than that of any individual." [1] The Rule of Law is ultimately, the foundation of democracy that every country should acquire for the better of their own legal systems, regardless of whether it is criminal law, civil law or public law. It is a major source of legitimation for governments in the modern world. A government that abides by the rule of law is seen as good and worthy of respect. In recent decades, billions of dollars have been spent by the World Bank and other development agencies on developing the rule of law around the world—however with limited and relatively low success rates. To explain it precisely, the principle is that no one is above the law. The principle is intended to be a protection against arbitrary governance, whether by a dictator or by oligarchy. Thus, the rule of law is hostile both to monarchy and to anarchy. However, this principle will only exist with the presence of a transparent system, the main components of which are strong enforcement structures, a clear set of laws that are freely and easily accessible to all, , and an independent judiciary to safeguard citizens against the arbitrary use of power by the state, individuals or any other organization in a society. A widely shared cultural belief that the law should rule is the essential