Separation Of Powers In The Uk

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Discuss the extent to which Separation of Powers is an important element in the constitutional arrangements of the United Kingdom.

Constitution is a set of rules which regulates the roles and powers given to three institutions, while separation of power is a legal theory illustrating that the powers of government should be independent and not overlapping one another. The three main institutions in a nation are usually occupied by legislature, executive and judiciary. It is said that United Kingdom has no written constitution, which speaks about the powers obtained by three of the government institutions, thus there is no strict separation of power, however, there is an existence of Acts which constitutes the separation of powers among the three government institutions.

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In Aristotle politics, the elements classified in separation of powers are deliberative, magisterial and judicial. Today, the separation of powers is more often suggested as a means to foster a system of checks and balances which is greatly needed for the development of an effective and responsible government. A constitutional arrangement is a vital key for a democratic, and accountable country. While United Kingdom has no written constitution, which can be used as a guide to govern a country and followed by the whole country, it is indeed a democratic and accountable country. However, the importance of separation of power in the constitutional arrangements of the United Kingdom is adequately