
Importance Of Teaching Grammar

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INTRODUCTION Imagine that what will happen to a building if it built without cements. Definitely there won’t be any connection in between the brick and will break it out easily. Grammar is like the cement of the language. It grows language together. If we look at the vocabulary as the building blocks of the language than grammar is the material that hold them together. Therefore grammar plays central role in every language classes as well as in the real life situations. Each and every educators agree that students are better writers when they have an understanding of grammar. To be effective writer and to communicate effectively students need to use proper grammar. So it is very important to teach grammar effectively. Therefore, in this mainly I will be focusing on the ways of teaching vocabulary effectively. Effective ways of teaching grammar Researches shows that learning grammar like this, in isolation from reading and writing, does not work well. Teaching grammar in a class session devoted to grammar alone is a waste of time. “Research over a period of nearly 90 years has shown that the teaching of school grammar has a little or no effect on students.” (Hillocks and Michael Smith, 1991). There are some grammar teaching methods work better than others. According to Rei R. Noguchi we should not teach them much of grammatical rules but, should focus on the principles of writing more. Include reading and writing Extensive reading and writing is one of the best way to
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