Importance Of Using Credible And Relevant Evidence

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Part 1
Explain why it is important for nurses to use credible and relevant evidence to underpin their clinical practice.
(Justify and support answers with credible and relevant evidence whilst adhering to UWS referencing guidance).
The role of nurse changes as new research emerges and finds new and improved ways of helping patients to be restored to health. As Aveyard and Sharp (2016) suggested, evidence based practice requires that the approach is clear but also up to date and it based on the best type of evidence available at the point in time. The Nursing and Midwifery Council Code (2015) is to always provide the best possible service related to the best available evidence that is also in line with the patient’s preferences. It’s important to use evidence based practices in nursing because it creates solutions to the patient’s needs, it improves the overall care of the patients, reduces harm and helps support nurse’s actions and clinical judgments. Sackett (2000) says that evidence based practice is looking at the best evidence along with using your clinic expertise in helping you to make a decision about the patient’s individuals care.

Outline the process undertaken when searching for credible and relevant evidence to support Part 2 of the workbook.
(Justify and support answers with credible and relevant evidence whilst adhering to UWS referencing guidance).
The first element of finding credible and relevant evidence would be to research journals and articles, as