Powerful Words

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Everyone should be able to express whatever is on their minds if they want and use the words that they need. For that reason some words should not be entirely off limits but you should know when it is right or wrong to use some of them. Everyone knows that some words are hurtful and some others do not have the same meaning. We live in a country where freedom of speech is one of the most important rights a person can have. Some countries do not let people express what is on their minds about certain things without going to jail. Your feeling are expressed by words so banning some of them may not allow you to say what you want. If some words were off limits here, individuals would have to face consequences for using a word that is not permitted. Unspoken rules are applied when it comes to using curse words because of the impact they have. That is why kids go to school and parents have to educate them so the know what is right and wrong. However, not everyone has the same education that is why those hurtful words still exist and even 8 years old kids and younger use them and keep using when they reach adulthood. …show more content…

If you are there you should know out of respect to god that you are not supposed to used those words. It can always wait until you are outside or in a different location.There are no rules about when you can say them or not it is all up to you. If you want to be disrespectful and rude everyone would refer to you as an uneducated person who does not know better. Also, when you star working no one is going to hire a person who is impolite and doesn’t know how to talk properly. Once you start using bad words they become part of you and even when you do not want to say them they will come out of your mouth without you realizing it. You would be judged as someone unethical just for the way you express, using words is the only way to communicate that is why you should know what is right and what is