Important Events In The Handmaid's Tale By Margaret Atwood

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In The Handmaid’s Tale, by Margaret Atwood there are several important events that take place in the story. To start off, in the beginning the narrator gives a background explanation of the place she stays at. Also introduces the Aunts that wear brown and patrol them with electric cattle prod. Also about the guards that wear green and are the only ones that could have guns. Then the Angles are around the fence protecting while the guards protect the inside. The narrator, Offred, then explains how she the handmaids have to get ready and how they wear wings and dress in red. In chapter three she introduces the wive of the command, Serena Joy. She wore blue, has blond hair , and has thin eyebrows that make her look mad all the time. She has her own garden to take care of and it was her domaine. Then she continues talking about the commander that has grey hair and a similar uniform to the guards.Also how one time he had winked at her. Then she talks about her new partner, that doesn’t talk much and when she does it is orthodox. She wears red also and her name is Ofglen. They both go together on walks and get groceries.
They arrived at the shop and waited in line. Then came in came someone Offred recognized dressed in red with a belly it was Offwarren. She believed the only reason she went to the store was to show off she’s pregnant. At the same time the store reminded Offred about her life with her family before Giland. Then tourist ask her if she is happy and she said