In A Dry Season Distinctively Visual Techniques

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Your understanding of what DV means
Distinctively visual is utilised by composers to bring their unique ideas to life ultimately shaping the responder’s perspective and understanding. The module allows the responders to empathise with the composer through exploring the composer’s experience and perception of the world.
How composers have used techniques to create the DV
Distinctively visual created by Henry Lawson in ‘In a dry season’ and ‘the drover’s wife’, explores his experience and perspective of the Australian outback. In a dry season, Henry uses imagery, irony and imperative voice and in the drover’s wife, he uses tone, metaphor and alliteration. His effective use of literary techniques create a provocative images of the remoteness and idleness of the Australian outback and the bushmen and women’s hardships and challenges of surviving the harsh condition. His stories ultimately broadens the responders understanding and knowledge of the outback landscape. In Maus, Spigelman uses the unconventional medium of a graphic novel to represent the experiences of the holocaust. He uses a unique visual technique of anthropomorphism, representing jews as mice and germans as cats to approach the audience in a satirical way. His …show more content…

The provocative vivid image of the Australian outback emphasise the loneliness, solidarity and emotional and mental impact of the bushmen. In ‘the drover’s wife’, Lawson depicts the hardships and isolation of the drover’s wives living in the Australian Outback during the early 1900’s. The distinctively visuals explore the woman’s power and courage developed whilst raising her children in the isolated environment. In Maus, Spigelman exhibits the holocaust memoir by his father and a holocaust survivor, Vladak. The provoking images of the war and survival conveys the hardships and the suffering gained from the

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