Eboo Patel invites us to embrace religious pluralism. As defined by Patel, pluralism is to affirm all statuses as equally legitimate. In the introduction of his autobiography he expresses his understanding of pluralism and its role in society. Pluralism is an intentional commitment that is imprinted through action. It requires deliberate engagement with difference, outspoken loyalty to others, and proactive protection in the breach. You have to choose to step off the faith line onto the side of pluralism, and then you have to make your voice heard (xix). Throughout Acts of Faith Patel shares anecdotes developing his religious and cultural identity, along with his understanding and expression of pluralism. To begin, Patel developed his understanding …show more content…
Wayne sent Patel and his friend Kevin to present their idea and plan for an interfaith event for young people, the Interfaith Youth Corps. The Dalai Lama expressed support for interfaith understanding and religious pluralism. “This is very important,” the Dalai Lama said, suddenly growing serious, “Religions must dialogue, but even more, they must come together to serve others. Service is the most important. And common values, finding common values between different religions. And as you study the other religions, you must learn more about your own and believe more in your own. This Interfaith Youth Corps is a very good project.” (96). This is the message and the invitation that Patel extends to us as we read his book, to live a life of religious pluralism. The Dalai Lama reemphasizes the point made by Brother Wayne that learning about other religions allows for the development of your personal beliefs. Making the interfaith connections and gaining mutual understanding helps develop religious pluralism. The ideals the Dalai Lama preaches to Patel would improve society as a whole. By sharing his experiences with Brother Wayne and the Dalai Lama Eboo Patel emphasizes the need for religious pluralism and invites us to embrace religious