In N Out Burgers

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Integrated Marketing Communications We will base on Hofstede’s cultural value framework to look into the depths of Australia’s culture; from there, In-N-Out Burgers will create effective advertisements that have a significant impact on Australians. When the appeals in ads reveal the values of the country’s culture, customers will feel more connected. Firstly, Australia has a strong individualism culture. The advertisements must include an emphasis on how the products will benefit the interests of individual rather than the groups. Additionally, this country falls into a low context communication category, which “messages are explicit and specific; words carry most of the communication power” (Keegan & Green, 2015). Secondly, Australia is a …show more content…

It will practice “Buy one sandwich, one fries, get a free drink”. By implementing this promotion, it will not limit on which sandwiches that customers would love to have together with the French fries. With a “free drink” promotion, it will make customers excited since Australia is one of the world’s top ten countries with high level of soft drink consuming (Clark, 2016). The promotions will be broadcasted on all radio stations in both rural areas and the capital city. When In-N-Out Burgers wins its brand recognition in Australia, then the sales promotions will save for other event’s objectives such as raising money for the local charity organizations. Speaking of personal selling method, it is "face-to-face communication between a prospective buyer and a company representative" (Keegan & Green, 2015). This method is appropriately used when the product is entirely new and different, technically complicated, or costly and requires a lot of negotiation effort in the sale (Linton, n.d.). For In-N-Out Burgers, this method is not necessary because its products like burgers and fries are part of the culinary culture of Australians. Along with building and developing the brand, In-N-Out Burgers will have to share its hands for the beneficial development of the community where it serves such as support different charitable organizations, which is also a way to enhance brand image and competitive

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