In Search Of A New Course By Vanessa Fuhrm Article Analysis

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The german education system should not be adopted to the united states. In the article, “In Search Of A New Course” by vanessa Fuhrmans. It talks about germany’s education system and how it is being used in germany. Many people in germany only have 3 schools a child can go to: gymnasien, realschulen, or hauptschulen. In a different article “What Germany Can Teach The U.S. About Vocational education” by Harold L. Sirkin. It talks about how for many years the U.S. have invested massive amounts of talent and money on two goals: preventing students from dropping out of high school and increase the percent of high schools graduates who go on to college.

One reason the united states should not adopted the german education system. It has a low percent of children who cannot read proficiently. In the article it says, “almost one-fifth of germany's 15 year olds can't read proficiently.” The students are most at risk for reading failure. Many poor students have not consistently engaged in the language play that develops an awareness of sound structure and language patterns which results them to going to realschulen or hauptschulen. …show more content…

Most of the students don't go to college. In the article, it says,” A few germans find themselves unemployable and the unemployment rate, was just 7.7 percent in February.” Unemployment can create losses of income resulting in bad performance, increases in expenditures and societal problems that negatively affect individuals for not having enough to pay for their family or pills. Costs generated by unemployment are high because they do not have any gains or benefits for