
In The Time Of The Butterflies By Julia Alvarez

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How far would you go to stand up for what you believe in? In the time of the butterflies by Julia Alvarez is a novel that tells the story of four sisters in the Dominican Republic who get involved in a movement against regime of Rafael Trujillo. With each sisters perspective, it is clear the harsh ways Trujillo’s regime has impacted people in the Dominican Republic lives over the years and how people have rebelled against it. Each sister has sacrificed so much to just to stand up for what they believe in and stand up against Trujillo. In Julia Alvarez’s novel In the Time of the Butterflies, she depicts the Mirabal sisters as revolutionaries through the characteristics of bravery and commitment. One of the main ways Alvarez portrays the Mirabal …show more content…

Mate is so committed to her part and effect of the revolution community that she won’t tell the government anything at all, even through torture, just so she can stick to her beliefs and not let the revolution stop. In the book it says, “We’ll have to use stronger persuasions. I guess Johnny said. Tie her down. Bug Eye stood before me, holding a rod with a little switch. When he touched me with it, my whole body jumped with exquisite pain. I felt my spirit snapping lose, soaring above my body and looking down at the scene.” (Alvarez 1455). This accentuates the horrible treatment Mate went through while in prison and just how committed to staying quiet for the revolution no matter is going on Mate is. She went through horrible pain and also witnessed her husband being tortured and still stood strong. This characteristic of having such strong commitment helps depict her as a revolutionary because she stood up for what she believed in no matter the circumstances and was willing to face the consequences of her actions. Another way Alvarez portrays the Mirabal sisters as revolutionaries is through their ability to be confident in themselves and stand up to powerful people and take risks.

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