In The Time Of The Butterflies By Julia Alvarez

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Heroes are not made, not born. This is a true statement, and is very prevalent in the book In the Time of the Butterflies. During the 1930’s to ‘60s, Rafael Trujillo was in a dictatorship position in the Dominican Republic. In the Time of the Butterflies shows the point of view of 4 sisters on what life was like under the reign of Trujillo. Dede, Patria, Mate, and Minerva all changed throughout their lives. Starting off with a normal upbringing on a farm, they were taught that Trujillo was the best. As they grew older, their views changed in a way that made them want to fight back. These sisters turned into revolutionaries, heroes of the country. They weren't born this way, they were made into the heroes they became and died as. Heroes are not made, not born. This is a true statement, and is very prevalent in the book In the Time of the Butterflies. During the 1930’s to ‘60s, Rafael Trujillo was in a dictatorship position in the Dominican Republic. In the Time of the Butterflies shows the point of view of 4 sisters on what life was like …show more content…

They were all faced with tough decisions to make throughout their lives. These decisions transformed them and brought them onto an unexpected path, becoming heroes for their country. There are also other examples of this throughout history, even dating back to the 1400's. This all has proven that heroes are not born. Zimbardo, Philip. The. “What Makes a Hero?” Greater Good Magazine, 18 Jan. 2011, “Heroes Are Made, Not Born.” Tampa Bay Times, 6 Sept. 2013, Selderhuis, Herman. “Martin Luther.” Google Books, 2017, Accessed 11 Nov.

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