In Vitro Fertilization In The Movie Gattaca

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In 1997, Columbia pictures released the film GATTACA. GATTACA is a futuristic film that stresses the genetic makeup of humans. In the film, the “normal” way of conceiving a child is through in vitro fertilization. The main character, Vincent, is naturally conceived, and since he is susceptible to many diseases, including heart defects and myopia, he is labeled an invalid. As an invalid, he is not able to pursue his dream of going to space and can only find work as a janitor at the Gattaca Space Station. He finds a crippled valid willing to donate his DNA named Jerome Morrow. Jerome supplies the blood, urine, hair, skin, and DNA samples needed for Vincent to obtain a programming job at Gattaca. As Vincent’s journey to space approaches, a homicide …show more content…

In GATTACA, the social norm is to go to geneticists and allow them to fertilize the egg and sperm so that the child will have the least likely chance of diseases and the most likely chance for success. It is understood that the genome is not changed; however, the most successful genes are chosen from the parents’ genome for each trait, “this child is still you, simply, the best of you” (Niccol, 1997). Today’s standards allow in vitro fertilization only for couples who may be infertile. Embryo DNA is also tested for certain diseases through preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD). PGD is intended for couples at high risk of having children with certain genetic disorders. It is not intended to choose one sex over another; however, clinics in the United States have stated that they let parents choose the sex without any medical reason (Jabr, 2013). In today’s society, in vitro fertilization of babies without disorders is frowned upon; however, once in vitro fertilization of any baby was frowned upon. Science is constantly changing the standards of society. With new technology and facts comes new opinions. As scientists learn how the human body works, they test hypotheses on individuals. Individuals are to be told about the experiment and they must agree to be a part of the experiment. Embryos do not give consent to doctors to alter their DNA. As scientists research and develop new technologies, they must understand the ethics and feelings of