Inaccuracies Of Oskar Schindler's List During The Holocaust

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The story of Oskar Schindler, a “hero” that saved the lives of nearly 1,200 Jewish men and women during the Holocaust. The story is told in the form of a book, written by Thomas Keneally after interviewing one of the Jews present during the events. This book was later named “Schindler’s Ark” and much later would be created into the film Schindler’s List. The movie, Schindler’s List, was based on a true story, and for the most part historically accurate in terms of depicting the holocaust. The film does at times, include a few instances of historical inaccuracies that are included or left out for the sake of storytelling. The major inaccuracies of Schindler’s List include: incorrect or unmentioned information and roles of certain characters, …show more content…

Oskar Schindler is depicted in one of the scenes where he is on top of a hill looking down upon the divided Podgorze Ghettos and is watching its liquidation while sitting on horseback with his girlfriend next to him. However, history tells a different story for where they should be during the time period; well it actually just challenges the lack of proof that Oskar and his girlfriend could have been on the hill watching the liquidation but their presence was highly unlikely. (Crowe) Another example of the failure to include scenes that occurred in real life could be witnessed when Oskar Schindler is scrambling to produce names for Itzhak Stern to type into the list. This was a major scene to have in this film because the name of it was and still is “Schindler’s List,” this gave the idea that Oskar Schindler put together this list but in fact that would have been impossible. During the time that the list was being composed Oskar Schindler was under arrest for the bribing of SS guards and commanders, such as Amon Goth and for the “unauthorized aid of Jews.”