Income Inequality In Raymond Carver's Memoir

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In Raymond Carver’s memoir there was income inequality that can be relevant to today. For example, in Caver’s memoir, he stated “He had a job and a family. These were his salad days” (Raymond: 7 paragraph, last two lines). He meant that they were struggling economically because they only had enough money to buy a head of lettuce. During 1933, the average family income dropped to $1,500, less than 1929 which was $2,300 and many families lost their savings as a lot of banks collapsed (Bryson). “The Depression and World War II dramatically reshaped the nation’s income distribution: By 1944 the top 1%’s share was down to 11.3%, while the bottom 90% were receiving 67.5%, levels that would remain more or less constant for the next three decades”