Inconsiderate-Han Themes

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1. Resolutions- The class made resolutions to do their homework every day.
2. Melancholy- After the husband’s funeral the wife had a melancholy day.
3. Beseechingly- The extremely skinny man was beseechingly for food on the streets.
4. Intimated- Mary intimated her son about his birthday present.
5. Aggrieved- When Jon said Verizon was bad the vison customer was aggrieved.
6. Inconsiderate- Min was inconsiderate when she had a bunch of pencils and said no when Jon asked for one.
7. Discontented- Han was discontented when he was expecting a computer for his birthday and got a Nerf gun.
8. Expeditions- The family when on 5 expeditions over the summer.
9. Doted- Jen doted he blue swirly dress he dad got her.
10. Foresight- In a movie the main