Increased Movement Of People Between 1750-1901

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The increased movement of peoples between 1750 and 1901 had a significant impact on several historical developments, including the Industrial Revolution- the evolution of society from agricultural into industrial, European imperialism- the establishment of european colonies, convict migrations- the emigration of people serving a criminal sentence, and the transatlantic slave trade- the purchase of low class people by the higher class. The world had experienced severe negative impacts during this time, alongside some minor positive ones. These events marked an important period of time in history, and impacted the development of the current world.

The industrial revolution was the process of society's transition from a handicraft economy into …show more content…

Children were paid 1 shilling while women were paid 5 shillings, men 10 shillings, The unhygienic working conditions of their overcrowded factories had resulted in the introduction of new diseases such as typhus, smallpox and tuberculosis. The rapid growth of cities often led to incautiously built buildings, and urban slums. While the industrial revolution had a positive economic effect, in the early developments, it could not support the influx of new people, creating a negative effect on the standard of …show more content…

The slave trade was driven by the demand for labor in the Americas and the profitability of the slave trade. 12.5 million enslaved Africans were transported across the Atlantic Ocean on 35,000 trade ships. The conditions on these ships were dangerously harsh, up to 4 million did not survive the voyage. Slaves were treated brutally and often died at a pretty young age due to disease from the unhygienic and barbaric living conditions provided. The movement of people in this context had a devastating impact on African societies, as the loss of millions of people not only depopulated Africa, the fear of captivity made economic and agricultural development almost impossible. Nonetheless, the survivors of the slave trade provided profit for the American and African economies. Slavery heavily benefited the European nations as it supplied new markets for their goods, bringing wealth to the British industry. Although the transatlantic slave trade resulted in minor positive economic impacts, it is known as one of the worst events in history, that permanently weakened the continent, overall having a negative impact on the

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