
Indian Removal Act Essay

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No, the Indian Removal Act of 1830 was not valid. Looking through the Cherokee Constitution of 1827, it is almost an exact copy of the preamble of the United States Constitution, except for one detail. With relations getting worse between the Cherokee and United States, some ladies from Ohio decided to speak up, and say that the Cherokee should not be kicked out of their ancestral land. Without waiting for the consent of the Cherokee people, President Jackson begs to the Cherokee people to leave before harsh consequences come their way. All of this is occurring without any remembrances of the Treaty of 1802 and Treaty of 1819. With the United States sparing no sympathy, they decide to force the Cherokee on deadly trail with minimal supplies. …show more content…

According to Chief John Ross, the state of Georgia directly violated the Treaty of 1819. The treaty only allowed the Cherokee Indians a right of occupancy to the land provided by the United States. This shows that the Cherokee rightfully owned the land where they were living. However, the United States did not defend the treaty 17 years later. Instead, it went to buy the land from the state of Georgia and lottery it away. All of this occurred without consent of the Cherokee people. A similar case occurred when the United States was fighting for independence. They would get taxed without representation in the British parliament.From this we can infer that the United States was not communicating with the Cherokee because they were under the influence they could continue to occupy the land due to the Treaty of 1819. The United States committed this act because they assumed they can just take away land without the consent of neither the Cherokee people nor the Treaty of 1819. This shows that United States believes that they are the supreme ruler, and they can do whatever they want to do without the consent of others. With no emotions from the United States, they decided to force the relocation of the Cherokee with armed

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