Indiana Family And Social Services Mission Statement

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Indiana Family and Social Services Administration looks like a wonderful and supportive organization at the surface level. Looking at their mission statement, values, and vision would lead one to believe they were a successful organization that solves problems faced by their residents, but was that really the case? We will explore further into these items to determine if the organization was as good as it seemed. Vision statements help define the future a non-profit would like to see their work lead to. The Indiana Family and Social Services Administration vision statement called for Hoosiers to reside in completely engaged communities, while living their best lives physically, mentally, and emotionally. What does a fully engaged community look like? Who decides what the best physical, mental, and emotional state is? A clearer vision statement could help establish goals needed to carry out their vision. Simply adding to the vision statement “by working with community leaders and neighborhood groups” may have established a clearer vision. The mission statement for the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration states, “To compassionately serve our diverse community of Hoosiers by dismantling long-standing, persistent inequity through deliberate human services system improvement.” And while this sounds like a nice and simple statement, …show more content…

Excellence is a wonderful thing to strive for in a business, but without a clear plan to achieve it, your chances of excellence are slim. The mention of integrity is almost humorous as the department has a reputation for fraud. They took their statement of innovation “by embracing failure” to heart and forgot about the rest of the statement “to find creative solutions”. Practicing what they preach in their stated values may have led to more prosperous

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