Indiana Jones: Raiders Of The Lost Ark: Movie Analysis

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There are several summer action adventure blockbusters that are viable to be a part of a new category of ‘stupid movie’ for stupid Americans.’ In these films, the characters, dialogue, action, and other several components that make up a film are placed on thin ice where most aspects of the film are absent. Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark falls into this category thanks to Steven Spielberg's failure to create a unique and interesting story that would remain consistent throughout the entirety of the film. The film initially begins by establishing Indiana Jones as a risky, heroic, and intelligent individual who works as a professor at a university. However, he has a secret identity since he was hired by the U.S government to go on a dangerous mission to find the Ark of the Covenant before the Nazis utilize it for their maniacal benefit. While seeing the conflict unfold that the main character(s) would face, the audience would be able to predict possible outcomes for this film, making it anticlimactic and dull. Without unique characteristics, the film is essentially just another action adventure blockbuster that joins several other films in the ‘stupid film’ genre. This plot was nonetheless basic …show more content…

Because Raiders of the Lost Ark involved several scenes with action and havoc, the film lost its worth because it was made obvious that Indiana would soon figure out how to manipulate the situation and overcome any obstacle. In fact, it was unusual how lucky Indiana was during several of the scenes, for instance, when he was trapped with countless venomous snakes. During these scenes, the dialogue was basic, quick, and did not do anything different to allow the film overall to stand out from other action adventure blockbusters. Thus, this supports the fact that the action adventure film genre is solely for typical or stupid

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