Indicating Sound Assessment

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Indicators of Sound Assessment are five different practices used by educators to effectively teach their students. These five Indicators include: Clear Purposes, Clear Targets, Sound Design, Effective Communication, and Student Involvement. Each Indicator serves its own purpose to help educators teach their students, such as letting the students know what's expected of them, understanding assessment methods, giving students feedback on their work, and getting the students involved in their learning. When educators follow these five Indicators of Sound Assessment their students benefit from it as well because they are able to understand what they need to do and build on their mistakes with the feedback provided. Next, I will go into detail about …show more content…

Also, educators should get to know their students learning styles and be able to provide assessments that best suit their students needs (Stiggins, Arter, J. Chappius, S. Chappius, p.27). One of the most important concepts for Clear Purposes is for the educator to motivate the students in a way that will allow them to do their best on an assessment. Using Clear Purposes means that educators should use both summative and formative assessment throughout the school year by planning ahead for when each assessment should be used. Clear Purposes is an important part of the five Indicators of Sound Assessment because both educator and student benefit from having a clear idea of what's expected when it comes to …show more content…

This Indicator is often referred to as the question "Involve Students How?" Involving the students in their own learning and assessment is important because they should feel confident as well as motivated to do their best. Again, educators should make sure that their expectations for their students are clear to the students and themselves (Stiggins, et al, p.27). To effectively use Student Involvement, educators should provide set goals for their students so that they may be aware of what they need to obtain in their learning. Also, it's important for the student to be engaged in his/her learning and communicate effectively with their educator to ensure success in their

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