Indigenous People Choose To Serve In The Military Analysis

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The statement: “It is ironic that indigenous peoples choose to serve in the U.S. military,” is a statement which many people think. The government took rights away from the Native Americans. They tried to control their children, and their lives on all possible aspects. Then the Native Americans were expected to fight a war to protect the government that took away their rights. It’s a situation that doesn’t make logical sense. I personally believe that Native Americans shouldn’t fight in government wars. Perhaps some of the Native Americans population seen this as an opportunity to build a relationship with the government, and show them that they can be allies. However, the government has taken so much away from the Native Americans that it sort of seems like a relationship that can’t be mended. …show more content…

As well as describing their feelings of war. The author personally feels that Native Americans shouldn’t serve in the government military. She also tells her readers about her children’s grandfather, who is a Native American veteran. When he arrived home from the war, he went to a bar and they refused him any service (Social Worker 2). This shows how even the Native Americans making an effort to fight a war that isn’t there’s isn’t enough for some people.
The second example comes from the first video on the article "Indigenous People Serving in the Military and Patriotism," which is an extremely informative video. The video is a YouTube video titled, “I want Freedom- Lakota Medicine Man Prophecy Part 3.” The man talking in this video is known as Lakota Medicine man. In this video, he talks about not wanting to fight in wars. He thinks the United States shouldn’t be in other nations, and they shouldn’t be fighting battles with other nations. He prefers peace and