
Individuality In To Kill A Mockingbird

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In “To Kill A Mockingbird” Harper Lee displays how characters struggle to conform to society’s expectations revealing that people cannot conform to society and remain an individual. Aunt Alexandra willingly conforms to society’s expectations and yet in doing so, she loses her individuality. Aunt Alexandra is constantly telling Scout to act like a woman and if Aunt Alexandra is not instructing her to then she is at least nudging her in that direction. She believes that people should act a particular way “‘Stay with us, Jean Louise,’ she said. This was part of her campaign to direct me to be a lady.”(307) Aunt Alexandra and some other Ladies from around Maycomb get together and converse about different subjects. As part of teaching Scout to become a lady, she invited …show more content…

Aunt Alexandra because of her idea that everybody is supposed to be a precise way she is trying to fit Scout into the role of a lady. This role Aunt Alexandra is seeking to fit Scout into is the role that she fits into and the other women in Maycomb fit into. When she does this she loses her individuality and becomes part of the bigger mindset that is Maycomb.Aunt Alexandra is focused on Scout throughout the book. Scout was thinking about Francis at this time. She was deliberating about how she considered him the most boring child she had ever met. Scout thought back to the unique time that Atticus spoke sharply. Atticus was talking with Aunt Alexandra about Scout because Aunt Alexandra did not think that it was fitting for Scout to wear overalls:”Aunt Alexandra was fanatical on the subject of my attire. I could not possibly hope to be a lady if I wore breeches”(108) Aunt Alexandra conforms to society and always has. Scout is Aunt Alexandra’s opposite. Scout wears overalls and does not conform to society’s expectations. Aunt Alexandra conforms to society just like most of Maycomb does. She acts how everybody thinks she should act. When Scout is not

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