Individuals With Disabilities Education Act Essay

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Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a federal law of United States enacted in 1990. IDEA ensures that all the children with disabilities have the right to appropriate public education according to their special educational needs, the needs which cannot be met without specific assuasive services, devices and programs. Person with disabilities like all other human beings are entitled to equal rights of education with the special education services to safeguard them and to provide them a better social life where they can get further education, employment and live their lives independently. It is against segregated education or any set-up like regular classroom without appropriate …show more content…

Section A consists of key definition of different terms as “Specific Learning Disability” and that what the disorders include and what they do not. Section B of IDEA points out educational guide lines for the children between 3-21 years when they reach their age of graduation. It stresses the needs to develop IEP which imparts education individually with respect to get special need. The children are evaluated every years to check the success in achievement of goals and objectives of IEP. It recognizes that the children with disabilities should be provided with Least Restrictive Environment to place them in regular class rooms with their non-disabled peers. It further states that if the parents are not likely to agree with IEP, they have the right to challenge their child’s treatment under this law of IDEA. Part C of IDEA is related to guidelines of funding and services to reach each and every child with disabilities. Moreover, IFSP (Individualized Family Service Plan) is the right of each and every family. IFSP aims at enabling the family to meet developmental needs of their child, infant or toddler, so that he may gain independence and mobility and to increase his functional ability. The goal of IFSP is the eventual transition after child into formal life. Part D, the last part, states the national activities to improve working with children and youth with disabilities. These related to grant to improve

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