For the final exam research, our group is going to present the sea level rising issue of Indonesia as a wicked problem. We searched and were able to gather ten sources that we need to present for the wicked problem project. First of all, we are going to introduce the seriousness that Indonesia is encountering due to the sea level rising. Impacts of observed changes in climate are already evident in Indonesia and will likely worsen due to further human-induced climate change. Rising concentrations of greenhouse gases will continue to raise the surface and ocean temperatures, change precipitation patterns, increase sea levels, and cause various other impacts from more frequent forest fires to increased health risks. Climate change will also continue …show more content…
Moreover, based on our resources, we were able to find that Indonesia is the third largest country that emits greenhouse gases (Measey). Due to the greenhouse gas emissions, the climate is changing which has an impact on increasing the level of sea. We will also present the various impacts of sea level rising on Indonesia. Increased level of sea contaminates the freshwater, interfere the farming, changing the coastal life, threat the wildlife population, and raises an economic issue. To be specific, since sea level is rising, water from the sea crawls up to the ground and contaminate the freshwater. Saltwater is not safe to drink, and removing sea water is an expensive and complicated process. Saltwater can stunt or even kill crops, and saltwater hitting the shores will change the chemistry of the soil on the coast, which means the plant life will most likely change as well. (Harvey). In addition, another report that we are going to use as our source deals with water availability, biodiversity and ecosystem services and human health affected by sea-level rise (Case & Ardiansyah &