
Indus Valley Civilization Research Paper

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Historians and scholars studied countless civilizations from the past to the present. Throughout their research, historians and scholars have decided that there are several essential characteristics of a civilization, which include social structure, cities, technology, and religion. One of the best examples of the essential characteristics of a civilization is the Indus Valley civilization because it is comprised of every aspect of the characteristics of a civilization. One major aspect of a civilization is social structure which played an enormous role in controlling the actions of the people, defining tasks, and managing large forms of government within a civilization. Also, social structure is comprised of a wide range of social hierarchy positions each with their own economic role and responsibility. For example, in the Indus Valley Civilization there was an early form of the caste system in place. At the bottom of the social structure were the …show more content…

Technology has been an ever-advancing process, and its steady increase has assisted in the progress of civilizations to improve upon current technology and create new inventions. The Indus Valley Civilization had invented several pieces of technology such as the button for ornaments, rulers for phenomenal accuracy in measurements, and the stairwell for architectural integration. The people constructed buttons for ornaments on clothing and fastening pieces of cloth. Also, the ruler was constructed with phenomenally precise intervals that could be used to accurately measure objects. Another invention was the stairwell, which allowed people to incorporate new styles of architecture. Based on the multiple technological innovations made by the Indus Valley civilization, people can determine that technology was an essential characteristic of civilization and

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