Industrial Revolution Dbq Essay

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There have been countless amounts of arguments about whether the Industrial Revolution had a negative or positive effect on society. I believe there isn’t a correct answer for this topic because they both equally maintain a suitable amount of evidence to support their differences. There have been numerous conversations about this subject. Most of the main concerns argued negatively, that child labor, unsafe work/ living conditions, and separation of families damaged the society of The Industrial Revolution.The Industrial Revolution had a positive and negative effect on society. One of the negative factors regarding the Industrial Revolution in our society is child labor. Children were taken out of there homes to work in factories and farms. …show more content…

Most girls chose stay at home parent as their first choice so they didn’t have to work in hot, stuffy, unsafe factories for twelve hours or more. The only disadvantage of staying at home was that there wasn’t any money coming from the mother. The government believed that boys had more strength. Therefore, having more of an ability to get more work done than girls.However, boys were not allowed to be teachers or stay at home parents. “During the 1800’s there were few laws in Britain regulating the employment of children. Elizabeth testified before a parliamentary committee investigating conditions among child laborers in Britain’s textile industry.” (Document 7). Elizabeth is a great example of the unfair rights of the child labor laws. She expressed her long hours, sleeping conditions, and injuries to explain the depth of how child labor laws were unfair. “Between 1908 - 1912 Lewis Hine worked as the photographer for the National Child Labor Committee (NCLCS’s). During this time he documented child labor in American industry in an effort to support the NCLC’s efforts to end the practice.”(Document 8). In this document, he expresses both the negatives and …show more content…

When workers were sick they would either lose their job or have no pay for those hours. “Soon the production of exports outpaced imports of goods, and by the late 1800’s America emerged as the world’s largest industrial power. This success did not come without a price, however, industrial growth brought with it a host of environmental pollution problems.” (Document 3). There were a lot of pollution problems during these times due to the Textile Factory. The smoke from the factories caused a lot of air pollution that led to poor farm output. It also led to sickness. There was so much carbon dioxide in the air there wasn’t enough oxygen to keep people healthy.“As countries industrialized, they also urbanized. This result of people moving to cities in large numbers in order to gain factory jobs.” (Document 6). Overcrowded homes are very unsafe. They cause fire hazards. If one person gets sick in the house it’s a major possibility everyone in the house gets sick. Overcrowded homes tend to get dirty fast. When a house is overcrowded with many children there has to be someone that is appointed the leader to take care of everyone else, so that means that one person has to stay at home all day with no education. On a positive note, even though there were about six to one bed everyone had a place to sleep. It might not have been ideal, but they weren’t