Industrial Revolution In Europe And North America During The 19th Century

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Industrial Revolution There were significant economic, social, and technological advances that were made in Europe and North America during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Some of the benefits of the Industrial Revolution were that it brought increased productivity, improved transportation, and even heightened living standards. However, environmental degradation from the machinery, exploitation of workers, and a widening economic inequality also resulted from this period.

Some of the most significant technological advancements during the Industrial Revolution had to be the steam engine, mechanized looms, the cotton gin, the spinning jenny, the telegraph, and the railroad. These inventions alone had a huge impact on inventions/technology and completely revolutionized manufacturing, transportation, and communication. The steam engine was used to …show more content…

A majority of working class people had to work 12-16 hour days, they had pretty low wages, working in dangerous and dirty conditions for years. They had little to no breaks, or their pay was just deducted from when they did take a break. A lot of the time, people were struggling so much that they had to enlist their children to help them work, just so they could keep their home and put food on the table. The mills and factories were small and very cramped, if anyone had worn clothes that were loose fitting, they were likely to get sucked into the machines. The heat within the factories was also insane, if there wasn’t proper ventilation or windows on the factories, it was incredibly likely to get heat stroke. There were many different dangerous factors that people knew they had to go through just to provide for their family. However, the danger that these people had to go through, has now made it so our factories today have better rules and regulations to keep their workers