
Inerrancy Of Scripture Mean In The Bible

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Alexander Breshers
Intro to Bible
Mr. McCroskey
7 April 2017
Do you know what canonization, inspiration, revelation and inerrancy of Scripture mean in the bible? If not then it’s time to find out. The term canon refers to a collection of writings accepted by a religious body as authoritative and normative for faith and practice. The precise history of the process canonization is not well known. The bible as a canon reflects to the scriptures in the Christian tradition. Some scholars believe that the books of the law Torah were the authoritative scriptures canon of the judaism by about 400 B.C. The canon took place during the council of Jamnia around A.D. 95. During this time the rabbis got to give their own official endorsement to all of the 39 Old Testament books.
The inspiration played an active part in the receiving and recording of revelation by ancient biblical writers. Even though we can’t explain the methods and process of inspiration, we do know that God did play an active role in writing the bible. Many christians view the inspiration as God's dictation of his speech to the writers of the bible. The dictation theory of inspiration, Wesleyan recognize the holy spirit in the writing of theses scriptures. Dynamical theory gets you to understand the actual involvement of God's spirit life and work of the …show more content…

The bible is history because it has the account of God's self disclosure to humanity through his very own words and actions. The biblical story that starts in the bible is Genesis with the account of God's creation of the whole universe and humanity ends in the book of revelation with the exception of the consummation of history and the creation of a new heaven and a whole new earth. God took the flesh and blood of a human being to form Jesus. The main point of the bible is the revelation of God in and through the person of Jesus of

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