American Civil War Nationalism In Film Literature

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The Inevitable War:
Multifaceted Analysis of American Civil War Nationalism in Film Literature

Chen Wenxin, Chloe

University of Colorado Denver

The Inevitable War
Multifaceted Analysis of American Civil War Nationalism in Film Literature
Nationalism refers to the idea how people with common cultural and political backgrounds identify themselves as a nation. On the issue of the necessity of the American Civil War, two preferences on nationalism differences and slavery have taken the thoughts of the majority. While revisionists hold their opinions that this war is totally preventable because of some better decisions that should have been made on policies of slavery and blaming northern and southern firebrands for causing the …show more content…

Discriminating as it was, it did help create some form of cognition among American citizens, creating new meanings for the American nationalism. Based on the effects of the racial relations and nationalism, it can be easily summarized that the nationalism attained more actual effects than slavery and racial relations. Thus, a conclusion can be made that the nationalism is more likely to be the key element of this inevitable war, rather than slavery. Based on the arguments that the war took place due to nationalism rather than slavery and its reasons for the shattered cultural cognition among different communities, the ideas from leaders as well as the analysis on the outcomes of the war, a comprehensive conclusion can be made that the civil war was inevitable in the area of nationalism, because it is the core of the civil war, while the slavery abolition is more likely to be a hook and catalyst of the war rather than the essential …show more content…

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